Digital_Repository / Memory Bank / codcheritageconz / information.xpage
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<xpage:title>About the Repository</xpage:title>

<p>This site is powered by <a href="{$config{base_url}}/eprints/">EPrints 3</a>, free software developed by the University of Southampton.</p>
<p>This is a demonstration repository showing how a community repository can look and be used. Feel free to create an account and deposit any material you feel is relevant.</p>
<p>If you are unsure as to what might be suitable, have a look around and see what others have deposited. Any material you put in will be checked by one of the Memorybank administrators before being publicly available, so if you are not sure, pop it in and we will ask more questions if we feel more information is needed, or give you feedback if the material is not suitable for any reason. We look forward to sharing your memories with you.</p>
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<h2>Contact Information</h2>
<p>Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to <a href="mailto:{$config{adminemail}}"><epc:print expr="$config{adminemail}" /></a>.</p>
